Don’t be Alarmed!


I am quite certain that your alarm just went off. Yes, there is no denying it. Come on now. That’s definitely yours.  I see you staring at your cell phone. How are you going to react? This is not an emergency, but it happens to be a very important point in this stage of your journey toward optimal health and wellness. It does not require a choice regarding a snooze button. That moment of decision came earlier today. I have to say “good for you”, because you arose immediately from bed.  As a recovering “night owl,” your progress has been very noticeable. “Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”-Benjamin Franklin  Those extra hours of sleep have provided you with a much needed boost of energy, but now it’s mid-morning and something more is required to sustain your momentum. You cannot pretend that you didn’t hear the catchy jingle. I know that this is still relatively new to you, but I also know for certain how you wish to respond. Of course, I am not referring to answering a call or any of the latest technology on your new phone. You’ve mastered all the nuances of that in no time at all. That quick learning was due to a couple factors. One, this isn’t exactly your first cell phone is it? How many now? Double figures! (And still counting!) Pretty impressive, I guess. I have owned only two in my life. I still don’t particularly care for the things. I consider them a necessary evil. But, I digress. Each time you were enticed to upgrade to another make or model, you brought with you the previous experiences of adapting to the earlier devices. So, it really wasn’t as challenging as it might be, for instance, let’s say if this latest addition was, in fact, your long awaited debut with cell phones. It might then be considerably overwhelming to learn everything about all the wonderful features and applications. Over the course of years, you’ve also accepted the help of others each time you welcomed one of these hand held toys into your life. These people knew a little more than you did, because they had already “been there and done that”. They aren’t more intelligent than you. Perhaps, at some point they read an owner’s manual. Imagine doing that! Perhaps, they experimented a bit on their own. Most likely, in the beginning, they too were educated by someone else. So, you have been programmed to respond to this alarming sound in a very specific fashion. Don’t be alarmed! Your mind is still adapting to this change in protocol. Your body is as well. This is all very normal.

So, I see you reach into your desk, backpack, purse, jacket, or bag and pull out something. I hear the tearing and rustling of a wrapper, or could that be that a small Tupperware container lid popping off, or even a Ziploc opening. Does it really matter? You have set your alarm to be in sync with your body’s natural “fueling clock”. It is time to eat. I am so happy to hear you munching on your “mini meal”.  Isn’t this new approach to eating made so much more manageable by applying a simple time-tested approach? Aren’t you elated that there is no required reading from a manual with directions printed in Spanish, French, and German. Much of the information you need to continue to be successful can be easily discovered. It is inherently a part of who you are. As you listen to your body, you will learn what no one else can teach you. As you listen to your health coach, you will learn to appreciate the value of genuine encouragement. The significance of a journey which is shared cannot truly be measured.

It’s alright to be a chronic clock watcher, as long as it is not too much of a distraction from your daily tasks. It is more than acceptable to listen for that alarm mode you’ve utilized on your phone. If you feel slightly uncomfortable that you need to be secretive about this at work, have a little faith. It will work out! Maybe you need to be discrete about when you eat. But, when you have to do it, you have to do it! Remember, this is an easy to consume “mini meal”. You are not breaking out a seven-course meal in front of everyone or laying out a buffet spread on your boss’ desk. The momentary anxiety you might feel regarding this routine will pass quickly. Talk to your support team, trainer, or health coach when you think you’ve encountered a stumbling block. I am positive that there is absolutely not a single concern that you have which cannot be resolved. I seriously doubt that you can experience anything new to the human condition. I say it again with greater emphasis this time. “Been there, done that!” You have moved well passed the “I don’t have time to eat” or the “I’m really not hungry” stages. You have accepted the challenge to implement a consistent eating schedule throughout the course of your day. This routine is exactly what your body desires. The more you successfully navigate your days and fuel up at your prescribed times, this will become progressively easier. You might not need the beckoning of an alarm to signal to you that it is once again time for sustenance. Some individuals just learn to be keenly aware of the signs their body is sending them. Like clock-work, without the bells and whistles, they stop for just a moment. They attend to their nutritional needs, and then pick up what they were engaged in without missing a beat. The actual alarm may come to serve the role of an insurance policy. Set every two, three, or four hours per day it ensures that you are off and running with this lifestyle change with few slip-ups. It is not to be viewed as a crutch. If you always have to rely on its unfailing consistency, then so be it. It can be a trusty companion. So, before I send you on your way, I offer one more piece of wisdom. Perfect practice makes perfect. Casual or randomly selected adherence to this program will not result in the benefits you are seeking. I hope that you believe that I would never promote or institute a philosophy, program, or set of structured rules which is not calculated in its very nature to promote that happiness for which we are designed, and which will not end in the greatest amount of good and the fullest of blessings to those who become recipients and followers of such ordinances. Hey, there goes your alarm again! Wow, time really does fly!

photo credit: Improper Use via photopin (license)