I Told You So!

I don’t take any amount of pride in saying these words. You know me well enough to understand that the following is not intended to be judgmental. So, without further adieu, I am only going to say this one time. “I TOLD YOU SO!”  I am so glad that you felt sufficiently comfortable to approach me with your concerns.  “Things” have not been going as you had originally expected. Each morning as you gaze at your reflection, this pops into your head. “Mirror, mirror on the wall, will I ever see any difference at all?” My friend, please turn your frown upside down. That mirror doesn’t know all that you’ve been through of late. In truth, I don’t think that you have taken those unforeseen circumstances into account. It has been over a month since we initially sat down to chat. I remember the enthusiasm you displayed on that day. Given your recent remarks to me, it is apparent that you were listening to the counsel I imparted to you on our first meeting and subsequent follow-ups. The situation you find yourself in currently is not nearly so dire as you believe. Though I respect your desire to revise your entire approach, and I’m hearing some constructive ideas regarding your change of direction, I plead with you to be patient. I ask you to listen once again.

Before you decided to bring a personal trainer into your world, you had never previously explored the inside of a gym. As you have recounted, I did implore you to usher in this new chapter of your life with a plan whose central focus is healthy eating. At the time, I was, nonetheless, thrilled that you wished to increase your level of physical activity. I am not disappointed that you chose to start in the fitness center instead of the kitchen.  I am not frustrated that you managed to find time for a total of only seven workouts in just over a month. Rather, I am still very much full of hope for you. This is precisely how you should feel as well. I think you see a vast mountain when there merely lies a tiny mole hill in your path to progress. You needed a little taste of the gym setting, and you got precisely that.  Now, you better understand the challenges involved in a commitment of this magnitude. Now, you know the basics of a good workout routine. Now, you know how good it feels to physically push yourself. These are your own words to me. Yet, you feel inclined to put the training element on the back burner for three to four months. I have to be honest. I do seriously question this particular backwards movement. Let me give you another reason why I know it is a mistake. I think that you are not giving yourself enough credit for what you did accomplish. Consider that the gym was a new frontier. You performed far better than you suppose. You suggest that you felt clumsy. Far from it, you were magnificent!  You are comparing yourself to others. Stop that! You are beating yourself up. Stop that as well. You are panicking over your self imposed “deadline” regarding your short-term goal. Cease and desist any such anxiety immediately! You aren’t seeing the real “you” when you gaze into the mirror. Start that process this very moment!

As we have discussed, some people will clearly recognize that this dual effort  is more than they can handle. Attempting to juggle a new exercise routine along with the implementation of a healthy eating program does not require a professional license, however, it can be a bit of a circus. Comparing it to a high wire act without the necessary safety net might not be too extreme. My personal assessment is that you are remarkably different than most. You are perfectly capable of finding your bearings on this delicate balancing act. Everything that I know about you points to that truth. I do not speak in the manner simply to flatter you. I have no ulterior motives. But, I repeat. I have seen you in action. So, I know what you are capable of, and I am very impressed. You can navigate the gym’s floor with the ease and grace of one who has been a frequent visitor. At the same time,  you can steer your way through the everyday obstacle course of healthy eating.  Dear friend, you have a plan. It has been placed before you. You trusted in it before. You felt strongly that you could follow it then. You can feel so now.  You can make this powerful combination work.  You will love this recipe. It is not full of ingredients that are foreign to you anymore. You may have only had a small bite thus far, but you know, as we all do, that it is really good. The exercise and meal programs are designed for you to taste the sweetness of success. Adherence to it cannot result in failure!

Think big, even grand. You want to drop twenty-five pounds by summer. That’s great. But, start small, as in “mini meals” throughout the day.  Similarly, spending even ten, fifteen, or twenty minutes in your gym is going to have an enormous impact on your journey. If you abandon the fitness element now in totality, picking it up again at some point may become a greater challenge than you think. We don’t know where you will be several months from now. Can you predict the future? I can’t. But, I can see the person you are capable of becoming. Procrastination, or delaying activity until some hoped for future event occurs, is not going to help your cause. Modification is one tool that is necessary when life changes. Elimination of bad habits or influences is required at times to move forward. Determination is a trait that you must exhibit in order to reach your personal goals. Perspiration is what you are going to have to continue to do for that reflection to smile back at you. Inspiration is what you are to me. Aspirations point to what you want to be. You can’t afford to turn your back on the ground you have gained. I ask you to see yourself as I do. You are amazing! Your spirit is as beautiful and talented as any I have ever encountered. Keep moving. Keep breathing. Keep dreaming. Keep trying. I’ll be waiting with great anticipation for that day when you say to me “I told you I could do it!”