Why Ask Why?

Have you ever snuck out of the office after finding out that the boss has sprung for pizza? Do you ever attend a “lunch meeting” without actually feeling pressured to partake in eating lunch? Do you habitually bring some form of sustenance with you wherever you go, and can be observed pulling it out of a jacket pocket or purse? Or, are you the first one to dive into the tempting feast delivered to the work place? Do you look forward to those frequent get-togethers, business or pleasure related, because they typically revolve around restaurants and food? Furthermore, are you chronically ill-prepared for those situations that seem to pop up regularly and which leave you stuck without any chance of fueling your body?

If you answered in the affirmative to the latter three questions, you probably cannot understand how anyone would choose to act differently. Perhaps, you may consider the behavior described by the initial three inquiries as awfully strange at this juncture of your life. You might even view them as being somewhat rebellious or displaying rather anti-social behavior. Please do not judge those who, you may see as crazy non-conformists. Stereotyping them as some form of health-freak is a result of simple misunderstanding.  “Everything we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see.”-Martin Luther King Jr. There is certainly more, here, than meets the eye. These are good people just like yourself. Those who you might deem to be particularly picky eaters choose to refrain from specific items for a very specific reason. Those who don’t happen to eat on your schedule have discovered a  more effective means of structuring their personal eating time-tables. Those who are able to sit and converse with friends or colleagues without the need to reach for food actually do have a method to their “madness”! There are a great deal of misconceptions regarding decisions about one’s health. There are so many differing approaches, often resulting from the ever growing onslaught of theorizing concerning human health. It can be confusing to say the least. However, there is no reason to remain in the dark. There is trustworthy information available for you.

Why be content with just being a spectator and witnessing the developing mental discipline and on-going physical transformation of others? Somewhere inside your soul longs for something more. To discover that more abundant life, some changes will be required. I am not suggesting that each of you has to alter your entire lifestyle this very day because you have gone horribly wrong somehow. “I may not be like them but that’s okay. I can only be me.”-Madilyn Paige  I am not hinting that you must become a carbon copy of that person who you think to be peculiar. Admit it though, there is something about that peculiarity that intrigues you. Knowing a bit about human nature, I sense that you could be experiencing a combination of a little self-doubt and jealousy. That is perfectly understandable. You call that friend, brother, sister, spouse, next door neighbor, or boss by the same name as you have always done. Yet, that person is the same in name only. I propose that you be not afraid to ask “Why?” but also “How?” and “What?”. How can you have that glow about your countenance that those around you now possess?  What prompted the desire to change, what fuels the discipline, what is the catalyst for remaining steadfast in these ways, and can I possibly attempt this journey as well? What do I have to do? You need the answers to these questions. The outward changes that you see in one’s physique and behavior are truly just a small part of an even greater transformation. I promise that if you ask, you shall receive an answer. If you seek greater knowledge, you shall find it. If you knock, a door to a bright future shall be opened. That person you are thinking of right now is eager to share what he or she knows. That person has been hoping that you would approach with a sincere interest. He or she is ready and willing to help you. Why would this be the case? My friends, if conversion to this new way of life is complete, a decrease in one’s waistline will lead to an increase in the heart’s capacity to give. A man or woman will not be content with blessing his or her life alone. Maybe that is peculiar. But, “in order to make a difference in the world, you must be different.”-unknown

You can learn to resist temptation. You can learn to be better prepared. You can overcome the doubt. You can combat complacency. You can turn the feelings of jealousy into admiration and inspiration. You can still walk to the beat of your own drum while following the same, safe path as others. A road which will lead you to optimal health has been blazed before you. All you have to do is open you mouth; not to put food into it, yet, but rather, to ask and inquire! “The only thing that stands between a man and what he wants from life is often merely the will to try and the faith to believe it is possible.”-David Viscott

Trust that we are here to help you try, and that we believe in you! You can do it!