Quitting is not an Option

When your journey toward improved health and wellness leads you down a pathway which takes an abrupt and cruel turn, there is a powerful temptation to think, “Why me?”  While you are striving to reach a perfectly reasonable goal, it appears that all of the forces in the entire universe have combined to work against your efforts. I’m sure that you may think it’s strange that others who have been engaged in the same personal battle have appeared to emerge not only unscathed but also reborn. Your focus may waver. You might temporarily forget to count your many blessings. Instead, you count how many things have gone wrong with your plan and multiply that by the numerous times  you’ve  been inflicted with the deadly disease of doubt. “Why me?” you scream from the rooftops. You wish you could trade in your body for an improved version. If only you could order that new body online, then almost no one would know that you gave up on yourself and were seduced by a “quick fix”. You have become fixated on your frustrationflaws, perceived shortcomings, and the negatives in your life. You are, however, quite wrong about yourself and others for that matter. “If we were all to bring our misfortunes into a common store, so that each person should receive an equal share in the distribution, the majority would be glad to take up their own and depart.”-Socrates  A common practice, even among seasoned exercise participants, is that of self-incrimination. This, in spite of the fact, that in some instances you have had little or no control over the physical, mental, or emotional difficulty you now face.  Certainly, you cannot discern the light at the end of the long, torturous tunnel through which your journey has entered. Seeing with a bright lens of eternal optimism through that mist of darkness which you travel would seem to you to be pointless, even ludicrous. Unfortunately, your desperate response, the “why me syndrome”, has made your predicament even worse. Your natural inclination is to view your individual adversity through the cloudy, distorted prism called pessimism.  With you rides an unwanted companion, the extra pounds that trouble you to your very core. Their heavy burden is dragging you through that tunnel and forcing you to haul the disappointment of shattered dreams, unrealized expectations, the despair of vanished hopes, and even the pain of a broken heart.  The weight of your trouble seems as if it will last forever. To add to your grief, you may even face ridicule and seemingly unbearable criticism from others. Perhaps, your body just seems worn out or broken down. You are simply sick and tired of being sick and tired!

My dear friend, do you think that it is unfair that you must go through the challenges you currently face? Well, it is my desire that you should not let these things trouble you any longer. It is my desire that your journey lead you to a more abundant life where no tears, no fears, and no sorrow remain. I wish you to focus on the rescuing rays of each new day’s sunrise. The darkness will end. Quitting is not an option for you. Do not consider it for a moment. “You must become the rock the river cannot wash away.”-Unknown author  I am going to be honest with you. You may very well have to sweat out this particular challenge for a while yet. There might even be more repetitions required, as painful as that sounds. “You are stronger than you realize. You are more capable than you can imagine. Your destiny is not determined by the number of times you stumble, but by the number of times you stand up, dust yourself off, and stride forward.”-Dieter F. Uchtdorf  Despite the forecast of a potential reappearance, you can make it through the tests you face in that tunnel of personal misfortune, and reappear in the light of happiness and your true potential. The glorious feeling of attaining your goals is not only possible but probable! A healthier, stronger, fitter you is right before your very eyes. How is this attainable? You need only have the courage to believe in the promise. The promise to you is that the pieces of your life that have been lost or missing will be filled with peace. The promise is that you will not only cross your own personal finish line, but you will be filled with a new found desire to continue running. The promise to you is that your reward, the result of your steadfastness, your diligence, your determination, your hard work, will be worth any amount of despair, frustration, and disappointment you have been laden with.

“Life is full of twists and unexpected bumps, but the rough patches are meant to help us grow. When life is hard, remember, we are not the first to say, ‘Is there no other way?’.-Jeffrey R. Holland  To my students in the gym, I teach the principle of overload. This is the application of more resistance during an exercise than a particular muscle or group of muscles is used to. The purpose is simple: stimulating the development of strength. One definition of strength is the ability to exert muscle force against resistance force. It is most often measured as it relates to the amount of resistance that is overcome. For my students to notice any positive change in their bodies during training, their muscles must reach the point of complete exhaustion or momentary muscle fatigue. Notice that I used the term momentary. This type of fatigue is literally the point at which one can no longer perform even one more repetition of any exercise movement without compromising the good form that is necessary for safety. When you wake up tomorrow and are faced with opposition or resistance, understand that you are just like your muscles which must withstand some degree of pain in order that they might grow stronger. You desire change in your body shape and in your life in general. Well, there is a necessary requirement for your progress to be made manifest and your strength to be measured. By now, you know what it is. Your journey absolutely must take you through those tunnels wherein extremely intense struggles will occur. So intense must they be, that you will feel alone, abandoned in the darkness. So painful must your experiences be, that you will feel there will be no end to the pain and fatigue. But, alas, it too is only momentary! Your muscles recover from their trial and so will you.

“When things go wrong as they sometimes will; when the road you’re trudging seems all uphill; when the funds are low and the debts are high; and you want to smile but you have to sigh; when care is pressing you down a bit; rest if you must, but don’t you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns, as everyone of us sometimes learns; and many a failure turns about; when you might have won had you stuck it out. Don’t give up, though the pace seems slow. You may succeed with another blow. Success is failure turned inside out; the silver tint of the clouds of doubt. And you never can tell how close you are; it may be near when it seems so far. So stick to the fight when you’re hardest hit. It’s when things seem worst that you must not quit.”-Edgar A. Guest

photo credit: dieselbug2007 via photopin cc

You Had a Bad Day

Rory McIlroy

Rory McIlroy

So, your most recent experience on the golf course was a disaster. You played far beneath your potential. You “misplaced” four golf balls in nine holes. Your tee shots visited Sherwood Forest so frequently that you are considering joining Robin Hood’s merry band. The holes just seemed to slip by so quickly before you were able to generate any momentum. Where did it all go wrong? How can you rebound from, frankly, an embarrassing performance? Knowing that you are capable of that exhibition in futility, do you even want to go out again any time soon? Well, my friend, I do hope that you answer in the affirmative.

I am going to ask you to do a little analysis of your round. I know that this was an aberration and not at all the norm for you. However, with a closer look at your day, perhaps, you can avoid that strange sensation of watching yourself participate in too many reruns of the “Nightmare on the Fairways”. It is really simple, actually. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.”-Theodore Roosevelt How would you rate your level of concentration? Did you warm up before playing? If things do not go according to plan off the first tee, sometimes it sets the stage for an epic struggle. Producing conditions that are more conducive for you to succeed is the goal. Without even a short practice session before you tee off, you are unlikely to be as mentally “into it” as you would desire. The risk of you subconsciously thinking about the water hazard to the left or the trees guarding the entire right side of the first hole is greatly increased if you have not struck a single, solid practice shot. You need to be able to visualize your ball heading down the middle of the fairway. With no prior prep work to give you some confidence when your name and starting time are announced, you are relegated to worrying about the worst case scenario. “What consumes your mind, controls your life”-Unknown So, you tell me there is not a driving range at the golf course or you cannot arrive until minutes before your designated tee off. Improvise! Thinking only of priority number one, besides paying for the greens fees, you must take some quality practice swings with that initial “real” swing in mind. Don’t be counting on a mulligan or breakfast ball to bail you out. When you are ready to play, you never want to reload, especially on the first hole with the largest gallery observing your every move. So, just relax, take some deep breaths, and repeat that same smooth swing you rehearsed 10, 20, or 30 times off to the side prior to the big moment. Choose the club you believe will give you the best chance to position your inaugural tee ball in play. Now, you have placed your tee in the ground and it’s time for action. So, I recommend two more practice swings, find your target, and move directly up to the ball. Look at the target one more time. Count to three in your head and swing.

Let me examine your previous play from another angle. Do you get a little anxious if you play with someone for the first time? If so, it is natural to want to do your best and even impress your new playing companion. But don’t stress out too much. Chances are that you will have more opportunities to showcase your skills which may have for one round appeared to be on hiatus. I hope that you don’t have friends who would disavow any knowledge of you upon witnessing you at your worst on the golf course. “As long as we are willing to rise up again and continue on the path, we can learn something from failure and become better and happier.”-Dieter F. Uchtdorf  This is a game in which EVERYONE has less than desirable results from time to time. If it is any consolation, Rory McIlroy, one of the top players in the world has recorded 14 rounds in 2014 in which he has carded a score between 4-8 strokes above his scoring average. But he will bounce back and so will you.

Golfers really do need to have very short memories. Over analyzing your round is not at all necessary. You did not all of a sudden forget how to swing a golf club or chip and putt. You definitely don’t need to go out and purchase more new golf equipment. You can gain confidence by changing up your pre-round routine even slightly. This will help you avoid the early hole debacles that you experience on occasion. Remember, please never let your less than stellar play affect your attitude so severely that you can’t enjoy a wonderful walk in the park. “You had a bad day. The camera don’t lie. You’re coming back down and you really don’t mind. You had a bad day. Sometimes the system goes on the blink and the whole thing turns out wrong. You might not make it back and you know that you could be, well, oh, that strong. And I’m not wrong.”-Daniel Powter My wish is that you determine to make tomorrow a better day.

photo credit: thatautguy via photopin cc

The Real D.I.E.T.

buffet“I just don’t have time to eat.” “I am really not hungry anyway.” “I’m not permitted to eat that type of food.” “I can’t eat after 7 O’ Clock.” “I am looking forward to Saturday because that’s my cheat day.” “Seriously, I can go several days without needing to eat anything.” “Remember, I’m on a diet.”

Forgive me. I forgot. I assumed that everyone is on a diet. I seem to recall that none other than the stalwart Webster’s Dictionary set forth a relatively easy concept to understand regarding this deceptive word. From its Greek and Latin 13th to 14th century origins, diaita or diaeta, we find clear advice. The word literally means one’s daily regimen and manner of living or more succinctly, food and drink regularly provided or consumed. Interestingly, one can find additional, illuminating revelation from the Greek derivative, diaitasthai, whose translation directly counsels “to lead one’s life”. Thus, I concur with the ancients who saw merit in both an appropriate daily and long term perspective concerning one’s eating habits. Yes, of course, we can find early historical references to “dieting”. They, indeed, indicate that men and women have been fascinated with this weight loss craze for many centuries. Used as a verb, the word’s beginnings set forth a noticeable pattern for us today–“to cause to eat and drink sparingly or according to prescribed rules.” I wonder what those strict rules may have been for some of the earliest dieters. Where they more sensible than the majority of the suggested approaches today? Could they have been more healthy and productive than what we are offered today? Unlikely. We don’t have to go back centuries to discover that most of the fad weight loss plans of the day are simply recycled versions of an old model. Anything which focuses on the immediate or short term is rather ill suited for success.

So, those common “dieting” remarks which you might be well acquainted with need to be slightly altered so as to reflect the correct perspective. “I can’t afford not to eat.” You derive energy from food. The last time I checked, you are not a plant. Oh, if only you could go outside and absorb some rays from Mr. Sun then you wouldn’t need any solid sustenance. Of course, if you were a plant, you’d also thrive on rainy days. Yes, you’d look and smell great, particularly if you were a flower. But, alas, you need to replenish your energy and download your nutritional requirements from food. You need to make time to eat properly. It doesn’t matter what you do for a living. I have heard people say repeatedly that they just cannot eat healthy or at all while on the job. Nonsense! Where there is a will, there is a way. “I am really not hungry, now.” If you are observing healthy eating habits, you might find yourself turning down an appetizer or lunch run on occasion. Please, do not let others dictate what you do. When someone tells you that your goal of modifying your habits is impossible, ignore that person. “Impossible is just an opinion.”-Paulo Coelho “I choose not to eat that particular food for a specific reason.” You don’t necessarily have to explain your newly formed habits to everyone you meet, however, it would probably be wise to inform your inner circle. This way you unequivocally establish your personal standards. They should respect your desire to adhere to these standards, and you never know, you may find that you positively influence a work associate. I am not promising any converts, so just focus on being a good example. “Late in the day, I am careful not to consume fatty, calorie dense foods.” Who started this incredibly foolish notion that anything you eat past 7 P.M. will be stored as fat on your body? What if you eat at 6:59 P.M., are you in the clear? Your body does not in any way shape or form go into total hibernation mode while you are sleeping. No, I am not giving you permission to have a seven course meal at 10 O’ Clock tonight. “I am looking forward to Saturday because I have fun plans with my family.” I don’t believe in cheat days. Unless you have already developed tremendous discipline, one cheat food item turns into two and one cheat meal into an all day event full of binge eating. Certainly, it then becomes even easier for one such day to become another, then once again, yet another day of dishonest eating. Let’s face it, nobody likes a cheater! You are lying to yourself if you think this is an effective dietary strategy. “The choices you make will make all of the difference in what you want to achieve.”-L. Tom Perry “Seriously, why would I want to go on a hunger strike?” No, you should never go several days without eating! However, fasting once a month is good for the body, mind, and spirit in many ways. “Remember, I am on a D.I.E.T.”

I highly recommend adopting a new recipe for your daily consumption of food, the D.I.E.T. method. This is an acronym which you may not be familiar with, Don’t Ignore Eating Time. The groundwork for this concept was developed by a brilliant woman named Michelle Collins Detrick.  It is much more than simply not skipping meals. At the core of this practice, is knowing and understanding how your body functions as it relates to eating. Let’s face it, who knows your body better than you? No one. You can become in tune to the sweet music your body is playing. Listen to it closely. Commit it to memory. Sing along with it. Hum if you must, but the melody beckons to you. It calls you to eat when YOU need to. This means eating on your personal timetable. It has been said that your metabolism is as unique to you as are your fingerprints. Weighing this along with other such factors as age, physical activity level, caloric requirements, and specific nutritional needs and personal goals, does it not become clear that you must disregard old style traditions pertaining to food consumption? You were programmed to accept these traditions since your childhood. Gee, thanks Mom. Although your approach has been adjusted throughout your life, it has not been because you have seized control of your D.I.E.T., but rather due to acceptable societal practices. High school schedules, college eating habits, (Wow, remember those days!), workplace ebb and flow, meals on wheels, (the habitual consuming of food on the run in one’s vehicle), the current manner in which you eat at home, and the strange obsession you have with the food table at social gatherings all have brought two common elements into your D.I.E.T., inconsistency and confusion. Why are you so willing to accept the status quo? It hasn’t worked for you or for many at all. Your relationship with food is quite a peculiar thing to say the least. What you think you love so much often causes you to hate yourself. “We either make ourselves miserable or we make ourselves strong. The amount of work is the same.”-Carlos Castenada

I believe that you can become very strong in your conviction to change your world be altering your D.I.E.T. You are going to be required to do some work. There will be a measure of experimentation daily. This is not an approach that one figures out completely in a single over-night crash course. You will be eating more frequently throughout the day, which will include healthy “snacks”. You will be consuming food to fuel your body for your active lifestyle and to regulate your blood sugar levels. You will not simply be on the prowl to satisfy your cravings. So, preparation will be a key ingredient to your success. Vegetables? Absolutely! Should you “go organic” and avoid dangerous GMOs? Of course, as much as possible! Will this be expensive? It does not have to be. Always keep in mind that this is for the long haul, the remainder of your life’s journey. This is partly why you will never be able to find your personal D.I.E.T. written down for you in a magazine. You will be its author. That’s the beauty of it. Exciting, isn’t it?

It is an on going process. Yes, I am aware that you dislike that word, but nevertheless, it is a wonderful process of fine tuning your listening skills. Be patient! Be confident! You have the ability to grasp absolute control over what, where, when, how much, and why you eat. That in a nutshell is what a D.I.E.T. is all about. For more details, stay tuned. Meanwhile start D.I.E.T.ing.

photo credit: The-E via photopin cc

Let It Go

banana cheesecakeSo, you just consumed an enormously disgusting, yet at the same time, heavenly helping of your mom’s homemade cheesecake. Mmm, delicious, right? Only a few minutes have elapsed since you rather reluctantly gave in to your mom’s offering of the last scrumptious bite. Years ago, you might have been the one begging, “please mum, may I have some more?” Yet now, your feelings are something strongly akin to “eaters remorse”! Your initial thought may be why did I just eat that entire thing, which by the way probably would have fed a family of five for several days. But your mind has switched gears faster than a speedy cyclist approaching a severe uphill grade. You are pondering whether or not you need to dash off straight away to the gym to work off all those extra calories. Oh my, look what that seemingly innocent banana, walnut cheesecake has done to you. You’ve now reached the point of pacing around and talking to yourself, rather harshly I might add. Why? Apparently, it seems, for two reasons. One, it is preposterous to think that you’ll ever be able to turn down Mom’s baking. Secondly, you will swear under oath that you can actually see the cheesecake attached to your hips or abdominal area. The million dollar question burning a hole in your brain is should you do more exercise right now. You need not wait until that special report on the 10 O’ClockNews tonight for the correct answer. Do Not Go!

Exercising too much is a real problem. Quite obviously, frequent over-indulging on that cheesecake, lasagna, pizza, fast food burger, ice cream, chocolate or whatever your temptation is also a problem of considerable magnitude. Giving in so readily to that which tempts you so easily is inviting addiction into your body, home, and life. Thus doing so, you run the extreme risk of losing your ability to choose at all. “In order for us to make the correct decisions, courage is needed-the courage to say no when we should.” – Thomas S. Monson

There must come a point in time when you realize that enough is enough. When you have clocked out your proverbial workout card for the day, do not give it another thought, Leave your blood, sweat, and tears at the gym. Forget about it. You’ve been there and done that. You may cross it off the to-do list. Congratulations! A job well done! In the same sense, you must recognize the importance of exercising portion control. It is important to know how much is enough.

Your deepest regrets of tomorrow can be prevented by following a plan today. The perfect blueprint for you to follow involves a balanced approach which encompasses each of the following elements:

1. Restful sleep
I cannot emphasize enough just how crucial it is for you to get enough rest. Restful, rejuvenating sleep lays the firm foundation upon which you must build. Everything is influenced by your sleep patterns. Make no mistake, without it, you are going to struggle mightily to transform your body, not to mention your life.

2. Healthy Eating
There is no magic, one-size-fits-all meal plan. You have different tastes, different caloric needs, perhaps different essential vitamin or mineral requirements, a different metabolic rate than others. One thing is very clear, minor adjustments to your eating habits can be very rewarding. By making the effort to eliminate even one strictly calorie dense/nutrient deficient food item from your daily consumption you may in time notice that cheesecake drop from your body’s trouble area. You can do more to rid yourself of unwanted body fat by sacrificing in your kitchen than you could ever hope to accomplish by sweating in the gym.

3. Eliminate Negative Stress
As much as possible, you must strive to find inner peace and contentment. Negative stress affects most everyone in some manner. Consider that the unwanted stress you are experiencing currently may very well be the source of your sleep problem, which in turn may contribute to your overeating issues. Yes, there is a proven connection between lack of sleep and weight gain. Lack of adequate sleep and other unhealthy stressors cause the release of specific hormones which actually induce the hunger sensation. You will probably not have too much difficulty identifying the root problems resulting in increased stress. Wiping them out will not be as easy and will take a significant effort on your part.

4. Regular Exercise
Exercise comes in a distant fourth on this list of crucial ingredients for your improved health and wellness. Surely, you have to admit that it is great news to learn that you don’t have to workout nearly as much as you think to produced desired results. You exercise to improve the quality of your life. You exercise as a means of injury prevention.You do it to feel stronger and to look better and hopefully add a few more productive years to your life. If you chose to focus your attention primarily on the workouts, you are in need of a major wake-up call. Ignoring one or more of the first three elements, proper sleep, healthy eating, and negative stress reduction is simply sabotaging your work in the gym. Frankly, it won’t matter if you spend 3 or 4 hours exercising each day. You cannot dig your way out of the hole you’re stuck in. Exercise needs to be fun, safe, and efficient to be effective. Living an active lifestyle should be a priority, but not an obsession.

So, if your pacing and pondering for partaking of the forbidden cheesecake has morphed into a type of paralysis, you can be free at last if you choose to do something positive today. “If you can’t fly, then run. If you can’t run, then walk. If you can’t walk, then crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.”-Martin Luther King, Jr. Follow the road map placed before you on your personal journey. Food is to be enjoyed, but not used as a crutch for comforting you in a time of high anxiety, disappointment, confusion, or sorrow. You can literally eat every last crumb in your house and still be left hungering for that which you sincerely crave. You will not find that which you desperately seek with a spoon in your hand and your arm wrapped around a container of Ben & Jerry’s Chunky Monkey. Nor will racking up serious overtime in the gym ever satisfy your desire for something more. So, what is my final word on your cheesecake/gym dilemma? Forget about the gym for the moment. It will still be there when you wake up tomorrow. Enjoy the time with Mom. Have a small sliver of her famous cheesecake just to satisfy you and freeze the remainder. Let it go! Mom will understand…someday. She will love you every day.

photo credit: scubadive67 via photopin cc

Fitness is a Journey, not a Destination

Great Wall of China

Great Wall of China

So, it’s that time of year you’ve been eagerly looking forward to, the season which brings with it the much anticipated long vacations, the spontaneous amusement and theme park getaways, the family reunions, and your best friend’s wedding. Yes, it is summertime. The parks and beaches are filled with the wonderful sounds of children laughing and playing. I know how much you love the smiling faces and lively conversations on front porches and in the back yard barbecues. They seem to go on from dawn until dusk. Is your participation dampened somewhat by your feelings of insecurity? Did summer creep up quickly and catch you by surprise? Are you frustrated daily because the personal goals you had set are lingering in your mind once again and remain as unfinished business? Instead of being thrilled to join in fun-filled activities, are you somewhat dreading the very thought? Could it be that your individual fitness quest had trouble getting started?

If you could let go of the anxiety over the way your work clothes fit, you’d do it in a second, wouldn’t you? If you weren’t slightly mortified about the prospect of slipping into that pretty dress or fancy tuxedo for that special occasion or donning the bathing suit you desire to wear at the pool, you’d be more excited, right? So, you happen to be a little bit off the original schedule. Do not panic! Just because there is no miracle pill that will transform your body in three weeks, please do not now adopt a “wait until next year” attitude. All is not lost.

But a word of caution, be very wary of anyone promising quick fixes. Celebrity chefs, athletes, actors, entertainers, and others may endorse a miracle drug to lose weight or build muscle. Don’t be fooled into wasting your money, your time, and your emotions. Your plumber or auto mechanic may have a simple, speedy, effective, and lasting solution for a problem you are experiencing, however, such is never the case, nor ever will be for someone on TV or in a magazine pitching the fast track to the new you! This journey you are on is far too important for you to exhaust any effort in the absolute wrong direction. Many people will fall victim to this ploy meant to deceive and misguide. You can take some baby steps today that will redirect your course in a safe and appropriate manner.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Lau Tzu

Although this is the popular form of this quotation, a more correct translation from the original Chinese would be, “The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet.” Rather than emphasizing the first step, Lau Tzu regarded action as something that arises naturally from stillness. To paraphrase slightly, we might say, “Even the longest journey must begin where you stand.” – Michael Moncur

Well, where do you currently stand? What is it that stands between you and your goals? Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, my hope is that you still have a positive outlook on your future. I stand with you and boldly declare that you must not let negativity from others or a defeatist attitude stand as a towering obstacle in your way. In the stillness of any moment, can you say that your desire to change is greater than your desire to remain in the same place? If “Yes” is your heart’s fervent reply, then that is enough! The smallest bit of desire is all that is necessary. With it kindling deep inside of you, that tiny flame of desire can start a reaction “beneath your feet”. I am not referring to an earthquake! You can take that first step forward in faith. “What lies before us and what lies behind us are small matters compared to what lies within us. And when you bring what is within out into the world, miracles happen.” – Henry David Thoreau

It is important that you feel good about the progress which you are making. It might be imperceptible to you right now, but it is happening “where you stand”! Love yourself right now. Don’t put off being happy until some point in the future, perhaps when you’ve walked a thousand miles. Don’t delay until your circumstances are different. Some things may never change. Decide now to be grateful for who you are and what you have. You have been blessed with certain unique gifts. In order for you to use these talents to enrich your own life and touch many others as well, you must trust that your desire will be nurtured and grow along this journey. I know that excitement you will have when you begin to see even the slightest physical manifestation of the effort you have been making. This will increase your capacity to continue onward, to “arise naturally” and do not look back. Your ability to function at your peak levels in every area of your life will be magnified. You deserve to smile this summer and throughout every season of the year. When you do, you will contribute to the happiness of others. “It is not enough just to be good. We must be good for something. The world must be a better place for our presence.” – Gorden B. Hinckley

So, don’t fret about the bathing suit, the vacation, the wedding, or the reunion. Enjoy the summer! You’re still you, and that is all that matters!

“Fitness is a journey, not a destination.” – Unknown