blog entries

Imagine that You Are Glorious

eyes closed

Let’s try a little experiment. Shall we begin? “Close your eyes and imagine the best version of you possible. That’s who you really are. Let go of any part that doesn’t believe it.”–C. Assaad   Have you got a clear picture yet? Hopefully, it will not take you long to visualize the best that you can be. Now, if you are ready, open your eyes. Can you see it yet? Do you feel any different now from a few scant moments ago? “You’ve got to be kidding”, you must be thinking to yourself. Okay, it’s highly unlikely that you are going to experience a mighty change in the blink of an eye. You surely know that already. However, do not discount the dream you dream! A simple, daily visit inside your mind with the “best version of you” can be a powerful catalyst. One day this visualization may lead you to take action. A giant first step you’ve feared that you could never take may be realized in the near future if you but see yourself walking to meet your better self. Professional athletes tap into the amazing tool of visualization and so must you.

But, of course, the most important step must involve recognition of who you really are. The momentary shutting off your eyelids can truly bring into a view something and someone much greater than the still photo of your current existence. If when you close your eyes you see a stranger in a foreign land, do not be frightened. Do not be discouraged if you’ve lost sight of your true identity, purpose, and potential. Look beyond what you see now.  “Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.”–Yoda  Don’t give up hope if you feel you’ll never get a break or you’ve traveled down every road to discovery only to discover yet another dead end. The disappointments of your life which flash before you as you meditate in the darkness are nothing more than an old video collection whose days are long past and whose service is no longer required. Learn from the past but put it to rest. Bury those images which make you feel unworthy or incapable of seeing the best of you. “Inside every human being, there are treasures to unlock.”–Mike Huckabee   My friend, do not worry if you have figuratively or literally thrown away the key. There are countless ways of accessing the treasure within you. The light in your eyes may have dimmed over time. As you squint with all your might, the future may seem nothing more than an indistinguishable blur.  You may be certain that your “best self” died years ago and there is nothing left inside or out. There is hope because there is a Light and a Life of the world; yea, a Light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a Life which is endless, that there can be no more death.

“Our task is to become our best selves. One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the joy of trying again, for no failure ever need be final.”Thomas S. Monson  See yourself as God sees you and you will have the courage, and motivation to move forward. “He knows everything about you. He sees you clearly. He knows you as you really are. And He loves you today and always.”–Dieter F. Uchtdorf  You are His child. He has never lost sight of you. You have an everlasting light within you. See it when you close your eyes. Feel it when you open them. You can and will be glorious if you but choose to believe. “There are times when you might feel aimless. You can’t see the places where you belong. But you will find that there is a purpose. It’s been there within you all along. And when you’re near it, you can almost hear it. It’s like a symphony. Just keep listening and pretty soon you’ll start to figure out your part. Everyone plays a piece and there are melodies. Each one of us is glorious. You will know how to let it ring out as you discover who you are. Those around you will start to wake up to the sounds that are in the hearts. It’s so amazing what we’re all creating. As you feel the notes peel higher, it’s like a symphony. Just keep listening and pretty soon you’ll start to figure out your part. Each one of us is glorious.”–Stephanie Mabey

So, keep experimenting.  The vision of your glorious self can be made manifest in your life. Remember always that you have help close at hand. By placing trust in that assistance, you can experience an increase in opportunities that previously seemed non-existent. By exercising your faith, you can enjoy an expansion of your vision and the future will surely appear brighter. By reaching upward for the hand that is always extended in love, you will be strengthened in ways you never before could imagine.

photo credit: The Photographer via photopin (license)

We Each Have Luke Moments

It appears that I find myself in a silent minority. I cannot speak to my students about “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” because I have yet to see it. I know people who have been to the theater on multiple occasions to view this latest Star Wars offering. Whether I will force myself to see it at some point in the future, I cannot say. I guess that I don’t particularly feel drawn into the excitement surrounding this awakening episode. Perhaps, I’m in some form of semi-comatose state. On the other hand, I may have been so thoroughly enlightened by the master Jedi years ago that my system is not begging to be refueled. I have been sharing some old video of my favorite character, Yoda, with our six-year-old son. I believe that some of Yoda’s teachings are worth pondering. I am certain that you are familiar with a specific line which our little guy finds rather amusing. “No! Try not! Do or do not! There is no try!”Recently, when anyone in our family uses the term “try” the response, of course, is an emphatic “No! Try not! Do or do not! There is no try!” We have enjoyed some wonderful laughs “trying” to avoid speaking a sentence without using the word “try.”

If you have ever thought the famous scene on the planet Dagoba with the grand, green master and young Luke Skywalker to be a wee bit harsh, I can understand your feelings. If you believe such commentary to fit in the realm ofLuke_Yoda tough love talk, I can see that as well. Whatever you have previously tried (Oh, no, I said the word) to extract from this classic moment in the Empire Strikes Back, I hope it has led you to the light of knowledge and hope rather than the darkness of despair and defeat. Taken out of context this well known Yodaism, would appear to have one simple meaning. “Do or do not! There is no try!” Many would interpret this as teaching Luke, and yourself, that when you decide to start something, anything at all, for goodness sake, finish it! To those who may struggle with this concept I ask, “Is not your timeline for finishing different from others”? Ponder this as well. Are you ever really finished?

Adding a few more lines, though, changes the message dramatically. Yoda: “Always with you what cannot be done.” Luke: “We’ll never get it out now,” speaking of his fighter jet. Yoda: “So certain are you.”  When Yoda raises the plane out of the swamp, Luke exclaims: “I don’t believe it!”  The response from the wrinkly sage is surely applicable to each of us at various points in our lives. Yoda: “That is why you fail!”

Don’t we all have our “Luke moments”? We’ve given up before we have really even begun (our training). We dwell on our weaknesses and our current limitations. This only serves to weaken us further and limits our progress. In our “Luke moments,” we begin by doubting our ability. That is a recipe for failure. But, in truth, “No one has failed who keeps on trying and keeps on praying.”–Jeffrey R. Holland   Not only do we not deem ourselves up to the task at hand, but in our “Luke moments” we don’t trust the guidance of the Master. We may hear the loving, authoritative counsel, but rather than heeding it, we move in the opposite direction out of fear or stubbornness. Mahatma Gandhi, unrelated by blood to Yoda, but nevertheless just as inspired, provided this insight: “We may stumble and fall but shall rise again; it should be enough that we did not run away from the battle. Satisfaction lies in the effort, not in the attainment. Full effort is full victory.” I love this statement! Particularly pertinent to me is the last part. “Full effort is full victory.” No matter what we think, our best will always be good enough. How can that be so? “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other one thing.”–Abraham Lincoln   I would add that reliance on the Master, after all we can do, will ultimately determine our destiny. “When you do your part, the Lord adds His power to your efforts.”–Henry B. Eyring   So, try, try, and try some more. Eventually, your commitment will lead to the “doing” part of Yoda’s pleading. In your journey through mortality, you may find yourself stuck in a figurative swamp. While in the midst of these deepest, darkest “Luke moments,” remember to doubt not, only believe. Regardless of any immediate outcome, your best effort in each endeavor you attempt will always be worthwhile. You will not have wasted time, though the result isn’t yet entirely what you desire. Before every “try” can become a “do” it must start with belief. “As we try, and persevere, and help others do the same, we are truly serving a great purpose. As we change, we find out that God indeed cares a lot more about who we are and who we are becoming than about who we once were.”–Dale G. Renlund

photo credit: DSC04920 via photopin (license)

Time to Work Today

The calendar now reads January 2016. Have you appropriately welcomed in a new year? Though any of the previous 365 days have presented the very same opportunity, perhaps, it is today which will be remembered for years to come. Today is the day you’ve begun to live again. You have decided to breathe with a greater purpose. You are no longer afraid or embarrassed by your short-comings.“You cannot run away from a weakness. You must sometimes fight it out or perish; and if that be so, why not now, and where you stand?”–Robert Louis Stevenson  Thus, this will be a time for action. The gut-wrenching soul searching has been done. You’ve discovered a motivating force at last. The always important thinking and planning stages have passed. It’s a new dawn of a new day. Go overcome some obstacles today! “Today, while the sun shines, work with a will; today all your duties with patience fulfill. Today, while the birds sing, harbor no care; call life a good gift; call the world fair. Today, today, work while you may. Prepare for tomorrow by working today.”–L. Clark
Yes, there is work to be done. That word’s heavy-handed intimidation factor should no longer negatively influence your performance. You are more than prepared for what lies ahead. “Work will win when wishy, washy wishing won’t”–Thomas S. Monson  Think of it as follows:

Willful pursuit of dreams
Obtaining more useful tools along the way
Reaping the blessings of determined effort
Keeping the promise you’ve made to yourself
Wanting to become more than you are now
Observing the rules of the road (the plan for your happiness)
Roads less traveled lead to wondrous rewards
Kneel when the journey becomes rough
Wisdom from fellow travelers is needed
Open your heart and mind to new truths
Risking your future (for temporary pleasure) is not worth it
Kingdoms of glory await those who have faith and endure

“Today seek the treasure better than gold: the peace and the joy that are found in the fold. Today seek the gems that shine in the heart; While here we labor, choose the better part.” I plead with you to remember that despite what your FitBit may tell you, your life’s journey will never be measured by how many steps you take each day. More importantly, dear friends, it is measured by the manner in which you take those steps. Furthermore, “your direction is ever more important than your speed.“–Larry R. Lawrence  “Today seek for goodness, virtue, and truth, as crown of your life and the grace of your youth. Today, while the heart beats, live to be true, constant and faithful all the way through.”–L. Clark  I know that you will work your way to a memorable day, today!


So, you’ve messed up a bit of late? Your D.I.E.T. has gone AWOL and you don’t even remember what your trainer looks like. Well, whether you’ve succumbed to a severe strain of unexcused absenteeism or have been struggling with a case of absent-mindedness is really of no considerable concern. So please don’t liken your particular state to some incurable disease.

“Hakuna Matata. What a wonderful phrase. Hakuna Matata. Ain’t no passing phrase. hakuna matata
It means no worries for the rest of your days.” I do hope that this wonderful advice, of Swahili origin and Lion King fame, offers some encouragement.

Hey, everyone messes up. Trust me! From time to time, all tend to find themselves becoming somewhat lackadaisical in the food department. I know this might also be shocking news to you, but you are not the only individual who has become strangely absent from exercise class. You just need a boost of confidence to reverse this trend in behavior. “Believe in yourself. Take on your challenges. Dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. The most difficult battle you will ever fight is against yourself.”–Paul Cardall You don’t think it’s as easy as that sounds? No such thing as a problem-free philosophy you say! “Every small positive change we make in ourselves repays us in confidence in the future.”–Alice Walker  Perhaps, you have a valid point. There may be some complications as a result of the combination of your unofficial leave and unexplained amnesia. But, nevertheless, it is true that “difficulties allow us to change for the better.”–Thomas S. Monson

Be grateful for the knowledge that you can correct the mistakes of the previous day. “Life has to be lived in the present tense. The current hour is the only one we have.”--Jeffrey R. Holland As long as there is a breath of air in your lungs, endless second chances await you. It is wise not to allow those poor choices of yesterday linger any longer. Reconcile with them. Release them. Reject the notion that you are defined by your missteps. Renew your commitment to yourself. Rejoice in the spirit that whispers to you “Today is the best day of your life!” Remember the plan which you learned about and once were determined to follow. Realize that you may yet reach your potential. Respond to the call to eat healthy. Return to the gym. “Only put off until tomorrow what you are willing to die having left undone.”–Pablo Picasso What timeless counsel. Do not panic. “Put your heart, mind, and soul into even the smallest of acts. This is the secret of success.”–Swami Sivananda  Always remember that the daily performance of the small, seemingly insignificant acts lights the way to that which is greater. I beg you to use the chance you have in this moment to act in a manner that is consistent with that knowledge you’ve been given. “You don’t get the same moment twice in life.”–Chad Hymas

Whether it’s been a couple weeks, a month, six months, a year, or many years that you think you’ve messed up, an opportunity is knocking today. Your current state of health dictates that this is the time for you. “The most effective way to do it, is to do it!”–Amelia Earhart   I will not hold your memory loss against you. I’m still here! That knock you hear might just be me beckoning you to come back. Hold your head high and return with honor. There is no reason to feel ashamed. There is no mess too great that it cannot be made clean again. Every restart is a wonderful thing. So, I look forward to seeing you soon. Hakuna Matata!

“Make no mistake where you are. Your back’s to the corner. This is it. Don’t be a fool anymore. This is it. The waiting is over. No room to run, no way to hide. No time for wondering why. It’s here the moment is now about to decide. You said that maybe it’s over. Not if you don’t want it to be. For once in your life, here’s your miracle. No one can tell you what you know. Who makes the choice of how it goes? There comes a day in every life. This is it!”–Kenny Loggins

photo credit: hakuna matata via photopin (license)

Are You Coming or Going?

entrance or exit

Running late again? In the midst of a crowd, our paths crossed this morning. I was leaving the grocery store while you had just arrived. Yes, I noticed you squeezing your way in through the wall of humanity departing after their shopping excursion.  I’m sure if the crafty dance step I witnessed you perform were to continue, you would not be banned from the store for life nor charged with a felony misdemeanor. You won’t even be branded as an illegal shopper. I often wonder what might be racing through the minds of those who make a similar type daring dash through the wrong door.  How good can that possibly make you feel to regularly enter inappropriately? If you take an apparent short-cut by choosing the wrong door, it doesn’t hasten the work of shopping. Certainly, your exit, I mean entrance, doesn’t help to shrink your grocery list. Does it change the experience of pushing a cart around a series of packed aisles for 30 minutes? Does your decision alter the way you think about this necessary chore? Well, I’m sure you are not about to change this particular, peculiar habit. Since you are apparently enamored with this backward philosophy, how about you consider re-entering my “funtastic” world of exercise.

It has been a while since you’ve visited me for a good old-fashioned workout. That’s okay because I’m going to share a brief story of another of my students who similarly struggled with faithfully keeping his commitments. Upon his return, he would always profusely apologize for his behavior. He knew that I would never chastise him for his inconsistency. He had a ritual of sorts. He’d confess the error of his ways. He would verbally punish himself. Then, frequently, he’d say something thought-provoking, even profound. For example, one time after showing up following a two-week absence he said this: “If I could only come in through the exit, I’d never miss a training session.” He was speaking directly to the undeniable truths about exercise. That which he felt after completing our routine was always so wonderful that he wished he could keep it with him all of the time. If he could just find a way to hold on to that magical feeling derived from exercise, he swore an oath that he’d never again use any excuse to pass on a workout. To enter with that physical sensation and mental satisfaction of a job completed and well done was what he sought.  I’d like to attempt to make some sense of your deliberate act of confusing the role of the doors.

You need not arrive sweating profusely from every pore. Every muscle in your body needn’t be totally spent of energy. You don’t have to do your best “big bad wolf” imitation complete with the intense huffing and puffing. No, please don’t blow the door down. No matter what your day has been like, please, just enter. Enter with as positive an attitude as you can bring. Enter with a proper spirit. Enter with hope. Enter with trust. It is important that you understand this concept. You must diligently and appropriately seek after that attitude, that spirit, that hope, and that trust which will work a mighty change within you. Oh, it may not happen immediately. If it did, would anyone cease to be active? No, the glorious manifestation which you seek to make all things right, to make the hard things easy, and to usher in a time of unprecedented bliss is not at hand. Yet, this feeling whose companionship you dearly desire will surely come. “Seek, and you shall find. Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” As you sincerely apply the hope that is in your heart, the attitude in your mind, the spirit of truth and peace which encircles your whole being, and the trust you’ve come to strongly believe, that “after-glow” from your training session will last for more than just a fleeting moment. You may not ever be numbered among those who love working out, but you will share the same feeling that they carry with them from day to day.

So, are you coming or going? Whatever the case may be, there is good news. There is always a way out. A passageway which leads to a newer, more motivated you does exist. The entrance to a more wonderful existence does, in fact, require you to use the exit known as death. In this case, it’s the death of your old way of living. There is always a way in. You are welcome here no matter what your circumstances. Together we can figure out a proper exit strategy. By the way, running late does not qualify as exercise. It’s a stress-inducer. Rest assured, I won’t charge you for being late, although I may make you work harder. Perhaps, it would pay to enter properly and promptly. I know you can do it. But if not, just enter anyways. Better to be late then not come at all.

photo credit: Do Not Enter the Entrance via photopin (license)