Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

When does it happen to you? Maybe, it occurs when you first roll out of bed in the morning despite a rough night? Perhaps, it takes place the moment you get home from yet another long, stressful day on the job. Well, no matter when it happens, or for that matter how frequently it’s been reoccurring of late, isn’t it obvious that it is damaging to your health. You may feel helpless, because it’s unavoidable… these close encounters you have with mirrors. Apparently, you have somewhat of a strained relationship with them. Oh, they come in all shapes and sizes, but despite these physical differences their messages to you are pretty consistent. What do you hear? “I don’t like you!” screams the bully in the bathroom. “I don’t even know you!” yells another in disgust down the hallway. “When are you going to do something?” the bedroom mirror rather sarcastically inquires. I don’t think that purchasing new mirrors is the solution to all of this unfriendly chatter. Breaking them all won’t solve anything either, and besides that could add up to quite a few years of bad luck. This dysfunctional relationship cannot continue.  You must learn to coexist.

What do you really see when you gaze into the mirror? Do you long to be staring at the man or woman who peered back at you twenty, ten, or even just a few years ago? Despite being depressed and discouraged by your current physical state, when you look deeply into the glass, do you still see the person you once were? Living with the weight of  disappointments and setbacks in your past, can you, even now, see the man or woman you always wanted to become? Do you, as Disney’s Mulan did, ask yourself, “Who is that man I see staring straight back at me? When will my reflection show who I am inside?”

You may not like what you see today. However, if that perception is to be altered, you must start this very moment to do the following. It is imperative that you learn to demonstrate unconditional love towards that beautiful human being in the mirror. You were created in the very image and likeness of God. You have divine qualities and infinite potential. Never forget those eternal truths. Sure, forgiving yourself has been a major stumbling block. But, for you to progress, forgiveness is the essential first step. It is possible to love yourself and not be satisfied with your entire being. Every day, tell yourself that you are a work in progress. Be kind to yourself. Life itself is not easy, so you need to be easier on yourself. Remember, you are not the only non-perfect person on the planet. If you are to change your conversations with those mirrors of negativity, you will want to start doing positive things in your life. Take a walk. Make a healthier food choice. Find a source for encouragement. Talk to a health coach or a personal trainer for some ideas. Read a blog! Figure out a plan for the rest of today. There is much good you can do for yourself if you but take action.

“I’m going to make a change for once in my life. It’s going to feel real good. Gonna make a difference. Gonna make it right. I’m starting with the man in the mirror. I’m asking him to change his ways. And no message could have been any clearer. If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself, and then make that change.”--Michael Jackson

Smile at that nasty mirror and you’ll soon be surprised at how quickly it will smile back at you! Hey, you may soon be saying, “Mirror, mirror on the wall, I now know who is the most beautiful of all.”

photo credit: Spiegel Spiele via photopin (license)