Talk to Me

Before any work begins, a little quality time spent with a prospective student is important to me. Call it a fitness consultation. Call it an assessment. Call it a meet and greet session. Call it a pseudo workout. Call it a what ever you want. I call it invaluable. An introductory date with this personal trainer is as varied as the students I train. I tend to ask a lot of questions. Mostly, though, I just want to learn about my new acquaintance. I want to know more about people than simply their current weight, blood pressure reading, resting heart rate, blood sugar and cholesterol levels, injuries, aches and pains. Of course, these and other health indicators are worthy of discussion but people are more than a series of numbers and a list of battle scars. So, when I seek information about someone, I’m more interested in what “makes them tick”. What are your passions and hobbies? What motivates you to wake up each morning? What are your goals in life? Prior to making you huff and puff, lift, push, and pull heavy things, and sweat from every pore I seek an answer to these probing questions: “Who are you?” “Where are you from?” “Where are you going?” “What do you want to become?”
Answers to these basic questions are essential for everyone to ponder. Today is as good a time as any for serious reflection. Most people are very candid. Some are lost and in need of being found. Others are on the right path but sense that something is missing. When I inquire “What do you need from me?”, I hear a myriad of responses. I want direction. I want someone to teach me. I want someone who understands how difficult things can be. I want someone who doesn’t judge me. I want someone who will listen to me vent. I want someone who feels my pain. I want someone who can help me find myself again. I want someone who can help carry my burdens and take this extra weight from me, now! I want someone to give me hope.
Someone once wisely said “We are not given a good life or a bad life. We are given a life. It’s up to us to make it good or bad.” I have seen the good, the bad, and the ugly which can be encountered through the course of our journey here on earth. I have also seen, heard, and felt the better and the best that this time has to offer. With all the sincerity of my soul, I want you and everyone I meet to experience so much more, even an abundant life. I want all to feel worthy of that life. Since everything that we know to be real and tangible can change in the blink of an eye, I want you to enjoy the present and be full of hope for the future. Our days are numbered. Yet, we know not how many we have left. Therefore, I want you to begin this day to measure the value of what you have. Be grateful for your body, your mind, and your spirit. I want to help you understand the importance of taking responsibility for yourself; for your thoughts; for your decisions; for your actions; for your future. I want to help you believe that you can change the things that need to be changed. I want to help you get through some of those bad days. “It is extremely important for you to believe in yourselves, not only for what you are now, but for what you have the power to become.”– Neil A. Maxwell  I want nothing more than to help you discover that you already possess the power  to change your circumstances. Please repeat the following: “I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions.”– Stephen Covey 
So, though I may put you through a comprehensive fitness evaluation, the objective of my initial consultation is to find out so much more. Do I care about your current cardiovascular conditioning? Yes. Do I care about your overall flexibility and range of motion? Yes. Do I care to know how much force your muscles can produce through a series of movements? Yes. However, if you meet with me, I am certain that you will find a safe, comfortable place to rest from your troubles for a while. You will discover that this taskmaster will  invite you to envision loftier goals. A challenging, yet, worthwhile journey awaits. I believe that anything is possible. I believe in miracles. Do you? If you have  doubts, let’s discuss them. If you are fearful, let this encouragement lift you today and always: These four words “do not be afraid” can be found 365 times in the Holy Bible. That is a powerful, loving reminder from our Heavenly Father that He wants us to live each and every day being courageous.

I Heard a Rumor

I heard a rumor about you. It seems pretty intense. I think it is my responsibility to address it. The rumor mill has been churning out the same story for a couple of months now. It appears that we may have a fully blown wildfire on our hands. Lest I be accused of active participation in the circulation of gossip, I make this promise. Fear not. I am not here to pour gasoline on the blaze, but rather to stoke the flame of desire within you. No matter how or when this rumor began, I am confident that only something very good will come of it. Furthermore, this day it ends with me.

So, “they” say that you are extremely anxious to start a more advanced exercise program. “They” say that you cannot get this idea out of your head. There is an old Irish proverb that might be applicable to your situation. “You will never plow a field by turning it over in your mind.” I am pleased to hear that you have been engaging in some walking. Indeed, that is wonderful, but do not drag your feet any longer. You may be hesitating to contact me due to fear of the unknown or of the possibility of failure. To some degree in some area of our lives, each one of us experiences these feelings. To overcome them, we must recognize that along our journey there may be stretches when we find ourselves being tripped up and falling. But, when accompanied with trust and faith these moments of real or perceived failure will most assuredly lead to success. If you fail to try, then you will never be fulfilled and your journey shall remain incomplete. There is so much to learn in a new adventure. “Sometimes we need to extend ourselves into deeper waters in order to meet the unseen opportunities that remain just off the familiar shore.-Greg Olsen

We have not met before yet I feel as if you know me. I sense that you can and will soon place yourself in my care. Perhaps you started this rumor because you were aware that it would make its way to me. So, to get to where you wish to go there are a couple things to keep in mind. “There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.”– Sheri L. Dew “Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.”– Henry Ford

I believe that you are ready. Your first little task is to take a deep breath and then exhale. Feel better? Now, your next tiny step is to reach out to me. My arms are outstretched still. I have not given up on you before we’ve even begun taking on this next endeavor together. Have confidence in your ability to learn something fresh, new, challenging, and exciting. You know where to find me. I’ll be patiently waiting while still cheering you on from a distance for what you continue to do. So, keep walking but change your course heading a bit.

“This is the beginning of a new day. You have been given this day to use as you will. You can waste it or use it for good. What you do today is important because you are exchanging a day of your life for it. When tomorrow comes this day will be gone forever. In its place is something that you have left behind. Let it be something good!”-author unknown

The Doctrine of D.I.E.T.s

Many define themselves, in large part, by their current choice of daily food consumption. They are, in fact, very religious about their D.I.E.T. By training such a diverse group of people, I have come to meet some who are devoutly committed to the doctrines of their diets. At the same time, there are others in these same congregations who don’t fully embrace certain articles of the particular faith. As I have witnessed, there are hot and cold times– seasons of life when you are “all in” as well as periods when you have one foot out the proverbial door. While some say that this is an extremely private matter and no one else’s business, others, however, never shy away from boldly proclaiming the things that they believe to be true and therefore helpful to all. I have seen an increasing number of people walking around with tee-shirts announcing their D.I.E.T. affiliation. Wearing one of those immediately turns them into a walking billboard for their latest food fad. The eyes of those who are yearning for something to satisfy their appetite for a new and better way are ever open and searching. Noticeably as well, are the new meeting houses which draw in legions of  faithful followers by specifically catering to their dietary desires. Other locales, without wholly subscribing to any one D.I.E.T., are now appealing to various groups by promoting their own unique translation of the menu to please these ever growing faiths.

I am not one to mock or criticize anyone’s allegiances. I am grateful for all that I have learned over the years from people like yourself. Just because we are raised in different cultures and align ourselves to a different food tradition does not mean that we do not share much in common. I do encourage everyone to continue to seek for more that is good and healthy throughout their journey. If you feel prompted to join with those of another food denomination, I hope you do so with conviction and confidence.

The reality is you do not have to abandon any of those things you hold dear about your previous “food lifestyles”. You can bring the best from your personal experiences and join it with what you now know. Adding to it will only made it better! So, don’t be too quick to dismiss the possibility that there might exist more good that you can embrace and incorporate into your way of eating.

Are you kept from trying something a little unique because you are not sure where to find it? Or are you confused because there exist so many different conflicting ideas regarding how to eat properly?

You can feel confident that you will no longer be scattered to and fro by every wind of doctrine from yet another self proclaimed guru of food. Have you discovered the Three C’s of life: choices, chances, and change? “You must make a choice to take a chance or your life will never change.”-unknown  Have you ever heard of the elimination diet? “Remove anger, regret, resentment, guilt, blame, and worry. Then watch your health and life improve.”-Charles F. Glassman  So, do I have any specific words of wisdom to pass on to you this day? Surely, I do! Eat more delicious vegetables and fruits. Consume more whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Eat meat sparingly. Dropping as much sugar, and processed foods, caffeine, and alcohol from your life can increase your well-being. But, don’t take my word for it. Experiment and find out the benefits and blessings yourself.

Whatever you decide, I have a feeling that I’ll be hearing what you are up to one way or another. There exists today the opportunity to declare and share the tasty details of one’s food relationship to the four corners of the earth via various social media. What a magnificent time we live in!

photo credit: Road-side apple via photopin (license)

Who Says You Can’t Change?

I could barely contain my excitement. Something triggered a dramatic shift in the way you look at exercise. “Nothing we can do can change the past, but everything we do changes the future.”-Ashleigh Brilliant  My interpretation is that this was a defining moment for you!  As I recall, when you began training with me, this drastic change of perspective could never have been anticipated. Those early weeks were filled with hesitation, uncertainty, and skepticism. They were literally ground breaking and back breaking. This fitness portion of the journey was unlike anything you’d ever done before. There was no blood, but a lot of sweat and tears in my gym. Despite the doubters in the noisy crowd and your own insecurities, you persevered. It was an honor to serve you. I would have loved to have been privileged to hear your perfect response to your co-workers and friends. With mild curiosity and a hint of sarcasm, the daily exchange was always the same. “Oh, so you have to go workout now, huh?” Without wanting to project any hint of frustration, exasperation, or desperation, you calmly said “Yes” and nothing more. The change in your outlook did not occur overnight. “Conversion will not be a single event or something that will last for just one season of life, but will be a continuing process.”-Henry B. Eyring  However, on one glorious day, in the span of a few scant seconds, you were able to verbalize that transformation with beautiful spontaneity, “No, today I get to go exercise with my trainer!” That is an instant classic! “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.”-George Bernard Shaw

It has been said by some that one of the greatest pleasures in life is accomplishing that which others say is impossible. Now that you’ve done the impossible, never forget how it came to pass. Remember the tremendous opposition you faced and the courage you demonstrated. Remember that “sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says, ‘I’ll try again tomorrow’.”-Thomas S. Monson. Your joy is as exquisite as had been your pain. Remember your original goals and set new ones. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. In a very real sense, you have been reborn. Now, go live that new life! “Your future is as bright as your faith.”-Thomas S. Monson  My friend, keep in mind that “things don’t change. You change your way of looking, that’s all.”-Carlos Castaneda  By changing your mind, you proved that you really can alter the course of your life. Sometimes it is all between the ears.

Don’t Feed the Animals

Did you know that the road to a healthier lifestyle is often paved with trash? This type of littering has always been a serious problem. Unfortunately, no citations will be written, and, therefore, no fines will serve as a deterrent to prevent this behavior in the future. One seeking to reform his ways must always see beyond the garbage that may be heaped on his path, and even literally upon him. It is easier said than done, though. This can be a grueling journey, particularly when the guilty party, the person whose rubbish is in his way and in his face, is someone he knows. During the reformative stages of one’s D.I.E.T. the all too familiar offerings of refuse can make you feel more than a little uncomfortable. There are reasons why the dealers of “junk food” seem compelled to make your quest more arduous. However, if you are on the receiving end of these persistent efforts to sabotage your good work, the focus today must be on you, and not the offender. Nevertheless, you will have to deal with the litterbugs sooner than later.

You body is your responsibility, and yours alone. Yours is the task of protecting it from harm as much as possible. Strengthen it. Strengthen your will to do what you alone are commissioned to do. Yours is the task of taking charge of how it is fueled, when it is fed, and why it is filled. Take ownership of your body’s basic nutritional needs. Anyone, who is not “all in” with your health and wellness program is going to prove to be an obstruction. Nothing short of complete cooperation forms an acceptable alliance in this journey. So, despite whatever shortcomings you may think exist in your communication skills, talk about it. Speak clearly and emphatically to those in your inner circle about your goals and your expectations. You set the standards for what is appropriate. You must dictate to everyone, not delegate to anyone, your specific requirements. Your desire is to become supremely disciplined and regimented with your daily consumption of food. You need not fear broadcasting your plan to avoid the toxic, recycled, processed garbage that abounds in the daily feeding rituals of far too many. A press conference isn’t necessary. A bold statement of your intentions will suffice. Hey, it is great if someone else wants to help you steer clear of this poisonous onslaught. It is extremely helpful. But, don’t count on it, at least for now. You may be disappointed. “Though we may not be our brother’s keeper, we are our brother’s brother. And because we have been given much, we too must give.”-Jeffrey R. Holland  We should care more and not cripple one’s dreams. We should know better than to impair another’s progress. We should seek deeper understanding in order to avoid damaging our brother’s and sister’s efforts to become their best self. Sadly, we do not step up, and man up, and perform our job of lifting up those around us who need some support as they travel through this wasteland of trash. We are obligated to do better and to be better. “When a man is trying to change for the better, the worst thing you can do is to keep reminding him of his past.”-unknown  By shoving “treats” in your face, or treating you to meal in unfriendly territory, you are being forced to constantly confront your past eating transgressions. I am not going to mix words here. If you don’t open your mouth to speak your peace, it will be opening to eat a piece of something you have sworn secretly to give up. The tempting offerings from others will not end. When you make a declaration of your beliefs, it doesn’t guarantee that others will change. Remember, it is you attempting to change! So, speak up and stand up for yourself. They will be accountable for their actions. You are accountable for your reactions.

So, until the time comes when someone else gets on board with you, this journey is yours to bear. Though the stench from the endless junkyards of popular, empty food choices may grow to be overwhelming, keep walking. It’s amazing what you can do when you have to do it! Put on a mask and blinders if you must. Better yet, put on the whole armor, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of your eating adversaries. Above all, take the shield of faith, with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts from the wicked who seek to keep you unhappy, overweight, and unhealthy. You will find a strength beyond your own. Coupled with a knowledge of who you are capable of becoming, this new found power to resist temptation will lead you safely on your journey. It has to come from within you. You could try wearing a tee-shirt that reads “Don’t feed this animal. I can take care of that myself. Thank you, very much.”, but something tells me that won’t be enough. The current mindset of many is that nothing is broken, so therefore, there isn’t any need for a fix. Don’t worry. I like your mindset. It’s not about fixing something broken. Maybe, as you say, it’s about starting over and creating something better.