Want to Relax? Get a Massage

Are you in search of something to help take your workouts to the proverbial next level? What programs and techniques should you choose and apply to your routine? Don’t fret. Just relax! Are you finding it’s becoming increasingly more difficult to bounce back from a challenging workout? Isn’t there a product that you could take that would help your body become more resilient? Don’t worry about this dilemma. Just relax! Do you feel completely drained after your workouts? You’re so accustomed to being utterly spent that you are not sure if you are doing something wrong? Hey, all workouts are supposed to be tough, aren’t they? No problema! Just relax! Despite your efforts to stretch sufficiently, are you having trouble loosening up? If you are actually being honest about the stretching, I don’t believe there is any serious issue. So, just relax! As someone who is new to exercise, is the soreness which you are experiencing a bit disconcerting? Well, relax! Are you slightly confused because your time in the gym does not appear to be as stress-reducing as you had hoped? Okay, really, it is time to relax! Are you at least slightly annoyed that I’m repeatedly telling you to relax? I am being totally serious. Relax!

Alright, I’ll calm down and explain. I had the pleasure of training a young man who is in school to become a message therapist. I have always thought that a monthly massage would be wonderful for everyone. I’m sure that it would be entirely appropriate and clearly not in the least bit foreign to you to hear the words massage and relax in the same sentence. In fact, no less than that stalwart source, Wikipedia, informs us that massage involves working or acting on the body with pressure, tension, motion, or vibration to promote relaxation and well-being. As I have pondered the term well-being, I do not conjure up thoughts solely related to our physical body. As young Gabe, the budding massage therapist stated, a massage isn’t something that most people consider to be a necessity, but rather a luxury. The continued discussions of the benefits of massage during our weekly workouts led me to conclude that I needed to amend my previous way of thinking. A message once a month isn’t nearly enough for anyone. Would making a healthy eating decision just once per month improve the results produced from your workouts? Would resting only one day per month provide the boost that you are looking to experience in the gym? Of course, the answer is “no way, Jose!”

For those who desire more detail concerning the many types and health benefits of massage, there is more information than you could ever dream of available online. I perused a couple sites such as mayoclinic.org, massageenvy.com, webmd.com after Gabe had peaked my interest. My conclusion is that massage therapy is an amazing performance enhancer that all should utilize. It is not just for professional athletes nor should it be relegated to the status of a vacation perk. Do you need to recoup before your next intense training session? Do you think that increased or improved circulation in the body sounds good? Are you desperately searching for a means of soothing your anxiety or even depression? Are you suffering from insomnia related to stress or physical pain? Would you love to improve your mental sharpness, possibly relieve those nasty headaches, lower your blood pressure, improve flexibility and range of motion, breath deeper and easier, and improve your posture? To all of these I say, consider getting a massage. Too often categorized as just another alternative form of medicine, massage therapy can be “just what your doctor ordered”!

My point is not to suggest that this will solve all of your particular issues. I do not believe I’m recommending a panacea here. But, I submit that you’d be doing your body a whole lot of good if you make the time to have a massage. How do you think your body will respond in the minutes, hours, or days following the massage? From a Swedish style, to deep tissue, to neuromuscular, to reflexology, to Shiatsu, to magnetic therapy, and so many more, there is something for everyone when it comes to massage. So, before you make another call to order the next magic pill to solve your exercise related problems, perhaps, you should consider letting some skilled hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearms, feet, or device help you to relax!

Message to self: get a massage!

photo credit: Massage 2 b/w via photopin (license)