Entries by John Drumm

Don’t Abandon Ship

So, it’s day two of your new approach to eating. You are hungry! No, that would not quite explain how you are truly feeling, would it? You are beyond famished. Ravenous might be the ideal description of your physical state. However, this goes well beyond just the pleadings of your growling stomach. The loud, negative […]

Weighty Matters

What do you think came first? The obsession with food or could it have been the obsession with weight loss? Both certainly are very real, as obsessions go, and not just some figment of my imagination. As I drive around my hometown, I never cease to be amazed at the number of fast-food franchises, popular local […]

The Lie Always Speaks the Truth

So, you broke down and hired me as your caddie for a day. That was a wise move on your part. You just might experience the round of your life today. Apparently, you seem to think that you need everything including the proverbial kitchen sink in your golf bag. No problem, I’ll manage to lug […]

More Change is Coming

I am sure that you have stumbled across an article or two (thousand!) in fitness magazines which proclaims to offer the best workout routine ever devised. I have a problem with any such declarations and so should you. The only truly successful workout program is a lifetime approach to exercise that is in a constant […]

Spice Up Your Workout

You’ve read the headlines all over the internet. You’ve heard the messages on the radio. You’ve watched the infomercials on television. You are delivered promise after promise, bold statements declaring remarkable success, multiple celebrity testimonials and endorsements, and, of course, you are even told this is absolutely 100% doctor approved. One Tip to Lose 17 Pounds […]